New bag filter for Halyps/Greece
The CTP Team (Bedeschi Group) commissioned on May 2010 a new bag filter for kiln/raw mill exhaust gas dedusting at the Aspropyrgos plant (Greece) belonging to the Halyps – Italcementi Group (Fig.). The project involved the modification of the existing conditioning tower and the supply of a new lime injection system for SOx reduction. The filter implements an innovative gas distribution specifically designed to enhance the lime reaction for sulphur emission control and it is fitted with 7.5 m bag length performing low pressure cleaning technology and achieving the best efficiency in gas filtration and cleaning. Within the CTP scope of supply were a new compressed air station, lime dosing silos, complete ducting, filter fan, dismantling of existing and erection of the new equipment. Electrical feeding equipments together with a dedicated full automation system of the new dedusting plant complete the turn-key project.