
Dear Readers, Digitalization is on everyone’s lips ... sometimes it is just a worn-out buzzword and sometimes it is the means to save the world. The truth probably lies somewhere in between. The article by Dr. Joachim Harder “Digital transformation of the cement industry” starting on page 30 takes a comprehensive look at the development of digitalization in the cement industry. Much has indeed already been achieved. But the major future task remains the reduction of the CO₂ footprint. Other challenges include the availability of raw materials, alternative fuels and clinker substitutes. To what extent digitalization can help in this regard, the future will show.

The contribution of Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH “Powerful, energy efficient and high-throughput shredding for premium solid recovered fuels” shows how the substitute fuels can be processed and made available in high quality. Energy efficiency, productivity and ease of maintenance also play a decisive role in the preparation of secondary fuels in order to keep the CO₂ footprint as low as possible.

Starting on page 54, we continue with “Green Building Materials” – the VDMA Building Materials Plant Day was hosted this year by the IAB – Institut für Angewandte Bauforschung gGmbH in Weimar. There, members and guests were informed about current projects, initiatives and research results.

Enjoy reading ZKG Cement Lime Gypsum 4-2023

Dr. Petra Strunk


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