Thermophysical properties of limestone as a function of origin (Part 1): Specific heat capacities
Summary: The influence of the origin of limestone upon its specific heat capacity and that of the burnt lime was established. For this purpose the specific heat capacity of limestones of different origins was determined. The measurements were carried out using a differential scanning calorimeter from ambient temperature up to 800 °C. In addition, the specific heat capacity of lime was measured with the same burned limestone samples up to 1300 °C . The results demonstrated that the specific heat capacity of limestone is only slightly influenced by its origin; while the specific heat capacity of the produced lime varies strongly according to its origin.
The calcination of limestone is a complex process, due to the variety of parameters which exert an influence on it. These parameters are related not only to the type of kiln and its process, but also to the origin of the limestone. In this way, it has been reported that some limestones have the tendency to either burn soft or hard. From experience, it is also well known that kilns of the same construction but at different locations show different energy consumptions, although all the operational conditions such as the type of fuel and stone size distribution are identical. Hence,...