Leimen cement plant hosts students’ 2016 field trip

This year’s ZKG International student field excursion is scheduled for 14.06.-15.06.2016 at Heidelberg­Cement AG, Leimen Zementwerk.

Our goal is to familiarize students from the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, TH Georg Agricola in Bochum and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences with how cement is produced and which entry-level and career opportunities are available in the cement industry and its supply sector. In other words, we want to enthuse them for our industry.

Following a detailed portrayal of the cement production process at the Leimen plant, the students will have a chance to investigate the plant’s practical workings. The students certainly can be expected to take a keen, enthusiastic interest in their escorted tour of the plant.

After that, our industrial partners will present their latest findings garnished with case examples of ­cement production. Our industrial partners, Aumund Holding B.V., FLSmidth Pfister GmbH, Gebr. Pfeiffer SE and thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, will also have an opportunity to portray their respective companies and career opportunities.

One other purpose of the event is to network the participating companies and students with each other. There will be a job board where the companies can display their job opening and/or bachelor/master thesis topics. Via speed dating, individual company representatives will be able to introduce themselves and ­answer the students’ question in small groups. And so, this ZKG field trip will provide another great chance for getting to know each other, exchanging information and perhaps even initiating some specific cooperation projects.

Many thanks to our industrial partners, without whose contributions this event could not take place, and to HeidelbergCement AG, Zementwerk Leimen, for their valuable assistance. Together, we all want to give future leaders an opportunity to get a whiff of the cement industry and its ancillaries and to help establish some initial contacts. In times like these, when well-qualified junior specialists are being wooed by many branches of industry, it is important to establish ties at an early stage and then keep them warm.

We are looking forward to this student excursion and will report on it in due time.


Anett Fischer
ZKG International


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