WO 2022/053430 A1

Plant and method for reducing the mercury fraction in the processing of refuse for use as a substitute fuel

(22) 06.09.2021

(43) 17.03.2022

(57) The present invention relates to a plant for the processing of refuse for use as a substitute fuel in a combustion device, for example in a plant for producing cement clinker, wherein the plant has a processing device (10) and a transport device (20) which is arranged downstream of the processing device ( 10) in a material flow direction, wherein the transport device (20) has a discharge device, wherein the processing device (10) effects an introduction of heat into the refuse, wherein the processing device (10), the transport device (20) or both the processing device (10) and the transport device (20) has/have a section-extraction means (40), characterized in that a partial gas stream (70) is extracted from the suction-extraction means (40), wherein the partial gas stream (70) is conducted through an optical cell (100), wherein the mercury concentration in the partial gas stream (70) can be determined in the optical cell (100) by means of a detection device, wherein the detection device detects the mercury concentration by atomic absorption spectroscopy, wherein an evaluation device is connected to the detection device, wherein the evaluation device is connected to the discharge device, wherein the evaluation device is configured such that, if a specified concentration of mercury is exceeded, said evaluation device discharges the contaminated refuse by means of the discharge device.

(71) thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen


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