RHI Magnesita to invest € 23 million in modernizing its plant in Urmitz/Germany
RHI Magnesita, a global market leader for refractory products and solutions, plans to invest € 23 million in the modernization of its Urmitz site in Germany over the next two years. This investment, the Group’s largest in Germany, will be used to expand and upgrade the traditional plant as a hub for non-basic refractory products. The comprehensive modernization measures will increase the plant’s production volume while at the same time boosting energy efficiency by ten percent. In addition, investments are made in recycling, which will allow RHI Magnesita to increase the share of secondary raw materials. The refractories produced in Urmitz are used all over the world as heat-resistant linings for aggregates, predominantly in the steel industry, but also in the glass, cement, lime, energy and chemical industries, in all high-temperature processes above 1200 °C.
As part of the investment in Urmitz, RHI Magnesita’s pressing capacities will be increased, a new tunnel kiln with an automatic circulation system and several climate drying chambers will be installed. The plant will thus become a central European hub for non-basic refractory products such as bricks, mixes, and prefabricated components. The workforce at the site will be increased by around 70 employees, most of whom will move to Urmitz from the neighboring site in Kruft.