4 Aluminum and sulphur guest-ions in alite and belite
Limestone is increasingly being used as an additive to Portland cement [22] where a part of it will react with the hydrating aluminate species, released by dissolution of the calcium aluminate and ferrite phases or the Al3+ guest ions in alite and belite, and form calcium monocarboaluminate hydrate (Ca4Al2(OH)12CO3 · 5H2O). Thus, limestone acts not only as a filler but contributes also to the strength development by the formation of this phase. For traditional mixtures of Portland cement and limestone, the optimum performance is achieved at...
TEXT Prof. Dr. Jørgen Skibsted1*, Dr. Tine F. Sevelsted1,2, Dr. Søren L. Poulsen1,3 and Dr. Thuan T. Tran1,4
1 Instrument Centre for Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy, Aarhus University, Aarhus/Denmark
2 Conelto ApS, Give/Denmark
3 The Danish Technological Institute, Taastrup/Denmark
4 Aalborg Portland, Cementir Holding, Aalborg/Denmark
* Correspondance to: jskib@chem.au.dk