Gebr. Pfeiffer: Grinding equipment for India

India is a strong market for Gebr. Pfeiffer AG and its Indian subsidiary Gebr. Pfeifer (India) Pvt. Ltd. A number of mills has been commissioned for a large variety of applications, such as slag, OPC, coal and pet coke grinding.


Jaykaycem Ltd.

Early 2007, Jaykaycem Ltd., a subsidiary of Indian cement manufacturer J. K. Cement Ltd., ordered an MPS 5600 BC with a grinding capacity of 160 tph of granulated blast furnace slag cement. At its Mudhol works in Karnataka, Jaykaycem Ltd. has been using vertical roller mills supplied by competitors for raw meal and coal grinding, but the Indian cement manufacturer decided to switch to an MPS mill for cement grinding. Jaykaycement Ltd. intends to use the mill not only for grinding granulated blast furnace slag cement but also for OPC or pure granulated blast furnace slag. The grinding plant will also be capable of producing fly ash cement, in which case dry fly ash will be fed into the classifier separately. With an installed capacity of 5400 kW, the gearbox for this mill will be one of the largest gearboxes operating in India. Maratha Cement has been using the same type of gearbox for six years and is impressed with its performance. After a couple of delays attributable to the customer commissioning of the plant is imminent.


Jaiprakash Associates Ltd.’s

In April 2007, a contract to supply two vertical roller mills for Jaiprakash Associates Ltd.’s new Chamba works located in ­Himachal Pradesh, also known as HP-II, was awarded. An MPS 5000 B, equipped with a 3700-kW drive, will produce 400 tph of raw mill with a fineness of 12  % R 90 µm. The coal mill ordered was an MPS 3070 BK. Gebr. Pfeiffer (India) Private Ltd. supplied all the mechanical components of the grinding plants, as was the case with the previous orders placed by this customer. Moreover, Gebr. Pfeiffer (India) Private Ltd. provided the complete engineering services for the planning of the plants and the specifications for the parts sourced elsewhere. Meanwhile, the customer has decided to set up the equipment, originally ordered for Chamba works, at Jaypee Super works. Delivery has been completed and erection is imminent. As the grindability of the raw material to be processed and the raw meal requirement deviated from those of Chamba works, the grinding capacity was not enough and the customer ordered an additional grinding plant with an MPS 4000 B vertical roller mill for Jaypee Super in 2009.


Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited

In 2007, New Delhi-based cement manufacturer Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited ordered six grinding units for two new cement production lines. An MPS 5000 B for cement raw material grinding, an MPS 2800 BK for coal and an MPS 5600 BC (Fig. 1) for fly ash cement (Portland Pozzolana Cement PPC) were supplied to the 4500-tpd Kadapa cement factory in Nawabpet, Andhra Pradesh. The MPS 5000 B mill has a drive power of 4000 kW and is capable of grinding 350 tph of the raw material, which is difficult to grind, to a fineness of 15  % R 90 µm. The nominal power of the mill’s gearbox corresponds to the installed power of the drive motor. The coal for firing the rotary kiln is ground to a fineness of 12  % R 90 µm. With an installed drive power of 610 kW the mill is designed for a finished production rate of 40 tph, and it is also capable of grinding pet coke. Thanks to the state-of-the-art high-efficiency classifier from the SLS-BK range, a product fineness of ≤ 12  % R 90 µm can be achieved. In response to the strong demand for cements with added fly ash, Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited decided to produce 300 tph of fly ash cement with a fineness of 3600 cm2/g acc. to Blaine. Featuring an installed power of 5400 kW, the MPS 5600 BC mill is one of the largest MPS mills in the world. All mills were put on stream in late 2008/ early 2009 and especially the cement mill distinguishes itself through a very satisfactory operation.


Moreover, the new Ariyalur works, located in Tamil Nadu, was equipped with the same mill models, that is an MPS 5000 B, an MPS 2800 BK and an MPS 5600 BC, which were also commissioned successfully in the summer of 2009. While identical fly ash cement and coal will be processed at Ariyalur and Kadapa, the properties of the raw material to be ground differ considerably: Though very easy to grind, the raw material at Ariyalur can include as much as 12  % of feed moisture. The mill selected for this application will have a capacity of 400 tph. Gebr. Pfeiffer AG was faced with the task of having to enable the moist material to be dried in the mill and the integrated classifier while using as many identical components as possible.

Gujarat Anjan Cement Limited

In February 2007, a follow-up order from Gujarat Anjan Cement Limited was won. The New Delhi-based company planned to expand its Sardar works in Gujarat and ordered another five vertical roller mills for this project. Two 5000 B MPS vertical roller mills fitted with 3700-kW drives will be used for grinding raw material. They will each be capable of producing 450 tph of raw meal with a fineness of 12  % R 90 µm. The expansion of the cement works also includes the installation of two MPS 3070 BK coal mills for grinding lignite and an MPS 4750 BC with a production capacity of 180 tph of PPC with a fineness of 3500 Blaine. Meanwhile, the customer has decided to have one raw mill and one coal mill of the Sardar order installed at its new Balaji works. The equipment of Sardar works was commissioned in 2009 and operates to the entire satisfaction of the customer.


Gujarat Anjan Cement Ltd. planned an expansion of its Wanakbori works. To this end, the Jaypee Group-owned company ordered a further grinding plant for fly ash cement (PPC) in February 2007. An MPS 4750 BC mill will be used for the production of 180 tph of PPC with a fineness of 3500 acc. to Blaine. Fly ash can be fed into the mill either in dry or wet form. Suitable for combined grinding, drying and separation, MPS vertical roller mills offer distinct advantages over other grinding systems, especially when used for drying wet extenders added to cement clinker. As with the previous order for the first line at Wanakbori works, the scope of supply comprises not only the actual mill but also the conveying equipment, the plant filter, process fans and the entire planning of the plant. The first MPS 4250 BC installed at Wanakbori works went on stream in 2009 and operates to the entire satisfaction of the client. The second mill will be commissioned at the end of 2010.


Jaypee Group-owned Gujarat Jaypee Cement for Balaji works

At the end of December 2007, Delhi-based Gujarat Jaypee Cement ordered two further vertical roller mills for Balaji works in Gujarat. An MPS 5000 B, equipped with a 3,700-kw drive, will produce 450 tph of raw meal with a fineness of 12  % R 90 µm. The coal mill ordered is an MPS 3070 BK which will be fitted with an 840-kW drive and produce 58 tph of lignite. These mills are currently under erection. As with the previous orders, Gebr. Pfeiffer (India) Private Ltd., supplied not only all the machine components for the grinding plants but also the complete engineering services for the planning of the plants as well as the specifications for all items to be bought elsewhere.


Ambuja Cement’s Rauri works and ACC Ltd.’s Wadi plant

In 2007, orders from two Indian cement manufacturers held by Holcim India were received: Ambuja Cement in Mumbai selected an MPS 5600 B with an installed drive of 5600 kW for its Rauri works in Himachal Pradesh. The mill was designed to grind 650 tph of raw material with a specific power requirement of 7.5 kWh/t, the material being difficult to grind. The contract stipulated a product fineness of 2  % R 212 µm. The mill, which was commissioned at the end of 2009/ beginning of 2010, is being operated at a feed rate of up to 700 t/h.


ACC Ltd, which is also headquartered in Mumbai, planned to expand its Wadi plant and, to this end, ordered the same MPS model (Fig. 2). The raw material to be processed at this facility being even more difficult to grind, the mill for ACC Ltd. was guaranteed to produce 560 tph of finished product. In terms of their finished product capacity and installed drive power, the two mills are the largest MPS mills for cement raw material grinding.

The mill for Wadi plant is in its final stage of commissioning whereas the Rauri mill was put on stream in January 2010.  The performance of an MPS 5600 B with the same gearbox that had been running at Ambuja Cement’s Maratha Cement works for about ten years now was surely a key factor in these customers’ choice. Four MPS mills are currently running at Indian based ACC works, grinding raw material and coal. An MPS 5600 BC for granulated blast furnace slag has been operating at ACC’s Bargarh works since 2009. Producing up to 170 t/h, this mill is one of the largest mills for granulated blast-furnace slag in the world.


Orient Cement

In 2007, Orient Cement ordered an MPS 2800 BK for its new cement plant in Devapur, Andhra Pradesh. The coal mill, which went onstream in 2009, has a drive power of 560 kW and grinds 40 tph of coal to a fineness of 14  % R 90 µm. The nominal moisture content of the coal is 7  %, although it can reach a level of 12  %. The coal is ground and dried in the MPS, using inert gases from a cement rotary kiln, and classified by an integrated state-of-the-art high efficiency classifier. The decision to order this MPS coal mill is based on Orient Cement’s satisfaction with the excellent performance of another MPS mill the Indian cement manufacturer has been operating for over ten years.


ACC for Chanda works

In 2008, Mumbai-based ACC Ltd., which belongs to the HOLCIM group, decided to opt for an MPS 5600 B vertical roller mill for its new Chanda works, which will be set up in Chandrapur/Maharashtra. The raw mill with an installed drive capacity of 5600 kW, which is currently under erection, will be capable of producing 560 t/h of raw meal ground to a fineness of 1.5  % R 212 microns.

Maihar Cement (Prop. Century Textiles & Inds. Ltd.)

At the end of 2008, Mumbai-based Maihar Cement (Prop. Century Textiles & Inds. Ltd.) owned by the B.K. Birla Group of Companies, which, among other things, runs a number of cement works, ordered an MPS 2800 BK vertical roller mill for coal. The mill with an installed power of 645 kW will have a capacity of 40 t/h of coal ground to a product fineness of 15  % residue 90 µm. The coal will be ground and dried in the mill, using inert gases from the cement rotary kiln, and classified in the integrated high-efficiency SLS 2250 BK classifier of the latest generation. The equipment, which was delivered in the 1st half of 2010, is currently under erection. Among the reasons for choosing this MPS coal mill is the customer’s extremely positive experience with two identical mills installed at Vasavadatta Cement’s Sedam-based works no. I and no. II, a sister company of the B.K. Birla Group of Companies.


Shree Cement Limited for RAS works

Having only just commissioned the grinding plants for kiln unit no. VII, Kolkata-based Shree Cement Limited placed a further repeat order in 2009. This time RAS works will see the supply of a grinding plant for raw meal and a grinding plant for petroleum coke for its kiln unit no. VIII. An MPS 3750 B with a power rating of 1600 kW will form the core of the raw meal grinding plant. The mill is designed to grind 215 t/h to a fineness of 2  % R 212 µm. For the production of the pulverized petroleum coke, with which the cement kiln will be fired, an MPS 225 BK vertical roller mill has been chosen for a capacity of 15 t/h at a fineness of 2  % R 90 µm. This high degree of fineness will be attained by passing the material through an SLS-BK high-efficiency classifier of the latest generation integrated in the MPS mill. The fact that Shree Cement Limited again opted to buy PFEIFFER equipment reflects his satisfaction with the performance of the MPS mills. In fact, this is the 11th and 12th mill ordered from GEBR. PFEIFFER AG and its Indian subsidiary.


THE KCP Limited

In 2009 Chennai-based THE KCP Limited ordered a raw meal grinding plant for a new cement production line. The MPS 4500 B vertical roller mill will be set up in Muktyala Village, Jaggayapet Mandal, in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh state. 350 t/h of raw material will be ground to a fineness of 15 % residue 90 µm. The mill will come equipped with a 2750-kW drive. The nominal power of the mill gear unit will correspond to the installed power of the drive motor and has been chosen to be above the power that is expected to be absorbed to allow for sufficient reserve.


Only a few weeks after the contract for the supply the raw meal grinding plant, THE KCP Limited placed another order for an MPS 2800 BK for coal grinding which will also be installed in the new cement manufacturing plant located in Muktyala Village. The coal, which will be used to fire the cement rotary kiln, will be ground to a product fineness of 15  % residue
90 µm. The mill with an installed power of 570 kW is designed for a finished product rate of 40 t/h. While being ground in the mill, the coal, which may have a feed moisture of up to 15  %, is dried with hot gases. Although the customer possesses its own manufacturing facilities in which components for ball mills and vertical roller mills of various suppliers are manufactured, he decided for quality reasons to have all components manufactured by the GEBR. PFEIFFER. The core components of the mill and the classifier, like for instance the rollers, the ­hydropneumatic tension system and the mill gear unit will be supplied by GEBR. PFEIFFER AG. The other components of the mill as well as the components required to complete the grinding plant will be supplied by Gebr. Pfeiffer (India) Pvt. Ltd. ­Delivery has been completed and equipment is under erection.


Dungsam Cement/Bhutan

Gebr. Pfeiffer (India) Pvt. Ltd. based in Noida/India, has won an export order for Bhutan. After an order for Jordan, this is the second export order and represents the logical further development of the company which has established itself in India over the last years. Bhutan-based Dungsam Cement opted to buy MPS vertical roller mills from GEBR. PFEIFFER AG in consideration of the excellent reputation these mills have in India and all over the world via the General Contractor Humboldt Wedag, Germany and India.


For producing 250 t/h of raw meal, an MPS 3550 B with an installed power of 1,500 kW has been selected. The finished product with a fineness of 12  % residue on 90 microns will be classified in a high-efficiency classifier of the newest generation. The material will be separated out in downstream cyclones. The new cement rotary kiln will be fired with coal. The feed moisture of the coal can be as high as 14  %. Hot gases available from the cement kiln will be used for drying. An MPS 225 BK with a drive power of 340 kW will be used for the grinding of 25 t/h of coal to a fineness of 15  % R 90 µm while at the same time the material is being dried in the mill. The integrated high-efficiency SLS 2250 BK classifier is also designed for classifying pet coke.


Apart from the components of the mill and classifier that will be manufactured in India, Gebr. Pfeiffer (Indien) Pvt. Ltd. will provide the customer with specifications for the purchase of a major part of the remaining components of the grinding plants and do the general arrangement planning. The core components like the grinding rollers, the tension system and the gear unit will be supplied from Germany by GEBR. PEIFFER AG, Kaiserslautern. After delivery, erection and commissioning will be supported and supervised by qualified personnel of the supplier. 


Birla Corp. Ltd. for Chittor works

The Kolkata-based Birla Corporation Ltd. (MP Birla Group) placed an order for the supply of an MPS 2800 BK roller mill for its CHITTOR works in January 2010. The mill featuring an installed drive power of 700 kW is designed to achieve a capacity of 50 t/h of coal ground to a product fineness of 15  % R 90 µm. The specific power consumption will be in the range of 10.6 kWh/t, approximately. The coal will be ground and dried in the MPS, using inert gases from a cement rotary kiln, and classified in the integrated high-efficiency SLS 2450 BK classifier of the latest generation. The decision to order this MPS coal mill is based on the customer’s extremely positive experience with two identical mills installed at Vasavadatta Cement’s Sedam works, no. I and no. II. Already at the end of 2008 the Indian company Maihar Cement (Prop. Century Textiles & Inds. Ltd.) in Mumbai, also owned by the B.K. Birla Group of Companies, decided in favour of this mill type.


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