PL2681170 (T3)

Method and arrangement for burning lime mud

(22) 23.02.2012

(43) 31.01.2019

(57) Summary of the corresponding patent WO2012117159 (A1): The present invention relates to a method and an arrangement for burning lime mud into lime in a lime kiln. The lime mud flows counter-currently to flue gases from a feed end to a firing end and the fuel used is flue gas that is produced by gasifying a fuel in the presence of combustion air in a gasifier. The combustion air for gasification is preheated with heat generated in lime mud combustion. The arrangement is provided with a conduit between the lime kiln and the gasifier for leading air from the lime kiln into the gasifier as combustion air. At least a portion of the combustion air for gasification is preheated with heat generated in the lime mud combustion so that air is led into cooling of lime obtained in the combustion and further into the kiln, from or through the firing end of which air is taken into the gasification.

(71) Andritz Oy (FI)


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